Punjab is a geopolitical, cultural, and historical region in South Asia, specifically in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, comprising areas of eastern Pakistan and northern India.
Punjab state has 22 districts and its population in 2020 is estimated to be 30 Million; Muslims constitute just under 2% of the total population in Punjab.
Inflation and prices are increasing daily in Punjab and Pakistan as a whole and this is resulting in the poor becoming poorer. Unemployment is very high and in the villages there are many young people who do not have work and are therefore unable to support their families.
This scheme, which is already running, aims to give those who are struggling financially the seeds to earn a livelihood of their own, thereby empowering them with the tools for their own success. Our ground partners focus on very remote and deprived areas of Pakistan where the Shi’a population is dense; the scheme enables beneficiaries to grow and start a new life.
The scheme operates under strict terms and condition and loans will only be provided to those people who are able to follow the ground partner’s rules and regulations.
The scheme will provide microfinance to the beneficiaries by providing the loader rickshaw directly to each head of family for them to generate an income. The beneficiaries will have to pay back the cost of loader rickshaw on interest free instalments. That money will later be used to help more beneficiaries under the scheme.
Names have been changed to protect beneficiary dignity.
Name : Abbas Ahmad
Abbas Ahmad father had passed away when he was a young child. Abbas stopped his education unwillingly and became a labourer to support his mother and sisters.
As a young man, he has been working as a labourer on a daily basis. In this way, he is supporting his family. Although he works hard to find jobs for the days and weeks ahead of him, he cannot guarantee he will find it. Often, he returns home deflated and empty handed.
Now, thanks to your generous support, Abbas is able to find a lot more work using his rickshaw and is very happy.
Now his family is very happy and praying for all great members of the donors and for WF-AID for this help and kindness.

With your generous donation we have been able to provide 6 heads of families with a loader rickshaw in order to earn a livelihood once again. The instalments paid back allowed our ground partner to purchase another loader rickshaw for a new beneficiary. In this way, the funds are being used to support more heads of families to be independent. This scheme will not only help these particular families but will also mean that once the loans for the rickshaws are paid back, other heads of families will benefit too.