Fidya, Kaffara, and Zakat al-Fitra hold significant importance, both spiritually and socially. These practices not only uphold the principles of charity and justice but also strengthen communal bonds and foster a sense of empathy towards those in need. Understanding and fulfilling these obligations are essential, as they contribute to the well-being of both individuals and society as a whole.
WF-AID, with its global footprint, is in constant communication with its ground partners and grassroot members across the world and has performed a comprehensive analysis to determine this year’s Fidya, Kaffara and Zakat al-Fitra price points.
The calculation for Fidya and Kaffara is based on the staple food of the recipients’ location, which is 750 grams of rice in East Africa, Pakistan, and India.
Fidya is required to be paid for Mu’mineen who are unable to fast during Shahr Ramadhan under legitimate circumstances, such as old age, illness, or pregnancy, or have not offered the qadha fasts of the previous month of Ramadhan until the next month of Ramadhan enters. The calculation is determined by the cost of staple food (cooked or raw) weighing approximately 750 grams (also known as a mudd), based on the location of the recipient.
Fidya for one fast is
£1.00 / $1.25 USD
£30.00 / $37.50 USD
for the whole month
Kaffara is a penalty for fasts that are unlawfully broken. Invalidating a fast without a valid reason must be recompensed with kaffara and qadha (making up the fast). The kaffara for each broken fast is to provide sixty deserving needy people, each with 750 grams of staple food.
The Kaffara for one fast is
£60 / $75 USD.
Fitra is incumbent upon all Muslimeen when the moon of Shawwal is sighted. Each (mukallaf) duty-bound person must pay the equivalent of 3kg of staple food or its value, based on the country/city in which he/she is residing. The economic situation worldwide, particularly inflation levels, has surged significantly. Through a thorough market analysis conducted by WF-AID, focusing on rice as the most widely consumed staple food across the UK,
the calculated Fitra for 1445 is
£6 / $7.50 USD per person.
The Islamic Education Department at The World Federation receives queries from mu’mineen regarding these financial dues. To refer to these questions and the respective responses, please see: