Punjab is a geopolitical, cultural, and historical region in South Asia, specifically in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, comprising areas of eastern Pakistan and northern India.
Punjab state has 22 districts and its population in 2023 is estimated to be 207.8 Million.
Inflation and prices are increasing daily in Punjab and Pakistan as a whole and this is resulting in the poor becoming poorer.
Unemployment is very high and in the villages there are many people who do not have work and are therefore unable to support their families let alone pay for medical costs. Many are in need of basic eye checks and treatments such as cataract operations which allow them to not only see well again but in some cases to continue to provide for their families again.
A government study carried out in 2007 found the numbers of people needing cataract surgery was higher in Punjab in comparison to other areas of Pakistan. According to one of Pakistan’s main newspapers, Dawn, Pakistan exceeded its target which was set in 2002 for cataract surgeries and Pakistan ranks 12th in the world for completing cataract surgeries.
This eye clinic, which has been running since 2010, aims to give the poor and in need access to eye checks, cataract surgeries and standard eye surgeries for free. Since 2022, this program has helped give several individuals in Punjab the gift of sight via cataract surgeries.
The scheme is operating under the supervision of staff at the clinic and is open to all in the area and even from remote surrounding districts where they may be no option for any medical aid whatsoever.
Kindly refer to the table below for a breakdown of fund utilization for from January 2023 to December 2023, encompassing a total of 434 cataract surgeries conducted during this timeframe.

Two eye camps were organized in Sindh in 2023, one in January and the other in December. Please see the details below:
Eye camps were held in Sindh on January 11th,12th, and 13th, 2023, during which 81 cataract surgeries were performed along with over 300 outpatient department (OPD) sessions, at a total cost of PKR 810,000 or USD 4,331.55
Eye camps were held in Sindh on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of December, 2023, during which 70 cataract surgeries were performed along with 362 outpatient department (OPD) sessions, at a total cost of PKR 700,000 or USD 2,473.32

*Funds remitted in November will cover the expenses until February 2024.