Thanks to our Zero% Admin Policy, you can be assured that all of your valuable donations go towards supporting those most in need.

WF-AID has an enormous responsibility in collecting your donations and ensuring they are used in the best possible way.
We take this very seriously and our aim is to ensure the longevity and growth of WF-AID, whilst having a self-sustainable operating model.
Like every charity, we have basic administration costs to support the running of charitable activities, like our education programmes, emergency relief, feeding initiatives, water solutions and other sustainable projects.
WF-AID is delighted to announce that our administration costs are projected to be entirely covered through the income generated through the Foundation Fund, a World Federation managed capital investment project.
The announcement follows years of discussion and preparation, with a final resolution presented to the Executive Council at the Triennial Conference held in May 2017.
This was passed and adopted with the following statement, ‘It is hereby resolved that the administration fee charged by the World Federation on donations to projects and appeals run by The World Federation or its members or constituent members be reduced to 0% with effect from 1st January 2018’.

We understand that donors give their money with the purest of intentions, for the sake of humanity, and they can now be reassured that their money is not being used on overhead costs with our Zero% Admin Policy.
As an organisation that relies on donations to support our programmes, we wanted to ensure that any money donated by our valued donors is completely used to help deliver the chosen charitable activity.
This announcement follows years of preparation and development of a Foundation Fund, where yields generated from investments offer a sustainable method to pay ongoing admin costs.
The principle of the Foundation Fund stems from the concept of ‘Waqf’, an Islamic tradition where land, buildings or money is donated, and the profits are used to support charitable causes. This beautiful tradition has now helped WF-AID launch a zero percent admin policy, so we can continue to focus on serving humanity through our various international projects.
Click here to find out more about the Foundation Fund and how you can support this to ensure the sustainability of the work of the charity.