Chakama is located in Kilifi County, there are 46 villages with approximately 5,000 households and a population of around 30,000 people.
The residents of Chakama had to travel long distances to reach nearly depleted rivers for drinking water and other domestic needs, as it was their primary water source. Unfortunately, this water was contaminated, which led to frequent outbreaks of diarrheal diseases. Most of the people in Chakma are subsistence farmers reliant on rainfall, and they would endure extreme poverty, hunger, and illness due to no access to clean and safe drinking water.

Project Background
Over the past three years, the region had faced severe challenges, including a lack of rainfall leading to five consecutive failed harvests, droughts, locust infestations, the Covid-19 epidemic, and frequent outbreaks of diseases from consuming contaminated river water.
Despite these difficulties, your funding has provided the residents of Chakama with 10 water pans. Nine of these water pans were built in schools, offering the promise of transformative change for students and some villagers. Improved access to water promotes better health practices, reduces the prevalence of waterborne diseases, and fosters a healthier learning environment for students.
Additionally, planting trees enhances the school environment and is expected to positively impact the current harsh climate in the long term.

Project Overview
Water pans are large, shallow depressions dug in low-lying areas to collect and store water from streams and rainfall runoff. They minimize evaporation, providing crucial irrigation during the dry season and serving as watering holes for wildlife in the wet season.
In Chakama, the impact of water pans extends beyond mere water provision. Many residents are engaged in agriculture, and the availability of stored water has revitalized their livelihoods. With water pans, the community is no longer entirely dependent on rain for irrigation and livestock needs, allowing for more stable and productive agricultural practices.

Financial Breakdown
In October 2023 the Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation’s supported this project. A total of USD $35,000 was utilized to provide the people of Chakama with clean, accessible water.
This project completion date was extended due to the extreme floods and was completed in June 2024.

On behalf of WF-AID we thank the Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation for their generous contribution of USD 35,000 towards the construction of 10 water pans in the Chakama region. Their donation has benefitted the lives of over 4,000 people.
These water pans will be a means to clean and safe water consumption and utilization for the residents of Chakama.
Rejoice in the good you have helped contribute to, but your reward lies with Allah. May He continue to shower His blessings on them and allow us to keep making impactful changes to the people who need it the most.