Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, families around the world have been suffering the effects in numerous ways. Countless people have lost their jobs and are struggling financially, or are feeling alone and isolated, and unfortunately, many have lost loved ones and are grieving. The pandemic has caused depression, anxiety, loneliness, fear, and many more mental health issues and access to support isn’t always easily available.
Muslim Youth Helpline is a national helpline in the UK providing free and confidential faith and culturally sensitive support services targeted at vulnerable young people. Since March, they have seen a 313% increase in the volume of calls they receive, due to the pandemic, lockdown, and resulting mental health issues people are suffering from. The calls are especially heavy and challenging at this time, including from people with suicidal thoughts and attempts. They are receiving over 300 calls a month from people, and in order to maintain this level and provide help to even more people, they also need support.
WF-AID has provided and continues to provide healthcare in many forms to people in need around the world, from mental health support to refugees in Lebanon and eye surgeries to communities in Pakistan, to surgeries and physiotherapy to displaced Syrian refugees. Supporting Muslim Youth Helpline at this challenging time was incredibly important as they are providing an incredibly valuable and much-needed service to the Muslim community in the UK.
If you’re based in the UK and are in need of support, please do get in touch with Muslim Youth Helpline, who have trained helpline officers ready to help you. You can get in touch via email, live chat, or by giving them a call. Find out more here.
If you’re not based in the UK, please consult your local jamaat, community centre, or support centres in your area. Similar services are available around the world.