Yemen’s 18 million people are in urgent need of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance. Due to the ongoing conflict in the country and the increasing number of displaced people, access to clean and safe water is very limited. With COVID-19 spreading across the country, access to clean and safe water is needed more than ever.
For the past 6 years, WF-AID have been working in Yemen to provide those suffering with food, medical and WASH support. Our team in Sanaa carries out field research to identify areas with no clean water facilities who are in urgent need of WASH facilities. Due to the generosity of our donors, we are able to provide clean drinking water to thousands who would normally be unable to access it.
In the past month, we have funded the building and implementing of seven water tanks across Sana’a, each serving 70 families with fresh, clean, and safe water.
The threat of water-borne diseases such as cholera and Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) are seen as more detrimental to health in Yemen than pandemics such as COVID due to the fact that in many areas thousands of people are accessing unclean water for both drinking and sanitation. In 2017, there were 2,800 deaths related to cholera and AWD with children being the worst victims.