The Vision – WF AID envisions a world free of suffering
Mission statement – WF AID, working with partners, Builds Capacity, provides: Emergency Aid; Humanitarian Assistance; and International Development, where required in the world.
The World Federation Secretariat is excited to introduce the new brand for our International Development work – WF AID. After conducting a gap analysis and extended research, the Secretariat decided that our work in relief, economic development and child sponsorship needed a much sharper focus. A clearer brand, clearer strategy and clearer internal structure of operations is necessary in order to enhance the quality of our work, and increase the magnitude of our impact.
What next? The Immediate Strategy
The Secretariat has signed a clear strategy for the immediate future, which is based upon:
A. Creating and maintaining a strong brand for WF AID
B. Increasing the confidence of donors, community members and partners in the work of WF AID and;
C. Developing internal structures and knowledge to enhance external relationships which aid the credibility of The World Federation and its members internationally, which can thus be leveraged to further our projects.
The President of The World Federation, Dr Asgarali Moledina reflected on the need for a new fresh face and focus: ‘Our idea is to not only create brand for our development work (under the frame of WF AID), but to also re-focus our energies on specific areas so that the bearing of our work is magnified. I feel at present, we need to think out of the box and a re-shuffling of our strategy was therefore a must.’
Dr Moledina continued, ‘I have asked the young, experienced and dynamic former Secretary General, Councillor Shan E Abbas Hassam, to lead this area alongside his experienced and highly competent team of Mahmood Dhala (Relief Co-ordinator), Dr Munir Datoo (Health Co-ordinator) and Councillor Masum Somji (ZCSS Co-ordinator). Collectively they have over 50 years of community experience and they also, I believe, have the energy to revitalise this area of our work. Shan E Abbas will also be selecting new volunteers to enter The World Federation in various capacities so that future leaders are brought into this area.’
Shan E Abbas Hassam said: ‘It will be a delight to lead this area of The World Federation’s work; an area where we need to build a recognised brand and enhance the scope and indeed the quality. We will aim to build close bonds with other NGOs and governmental agencies in order to take our work to the next level. Whilst it’s an ambitious strategy, this area of work is inspiring (the best opportunity many of us will ever have to make a difference to the lives of the deserving) and so we hope to recruit volunteers that will bring ideas, innovation and dynamism.’
What can you do?
As with any brand launch, in order to grow we must first listen to the feedback from our community. Email us your thoughts at [email protected].
We are keen to hear from you with any ideas/comments/suggestions you have regarding this project. Send us video messages and photos relating to fundraising ideas, your suggestions for projects and any proposed ideas for brand extensions. Send these to us via email to [email protected] or on social media using #WFAID.
For further information, please email [email protected]